We had a busy year in 2024. Watch our summary video for all the highlights.
Holy Cross Drainage Work
Have you driven the Holy Cross Trail? Would you take an excavator to French Creek? Follow along as we track a machine to French Creek and build drainage features to prevent water erosion and keep the creek in the channel. The CORE Trail Crew spent three days on the trail and accumulated several hundred volunteer hours to keep the trail in good condition and open into the future.
Alpine Tunnel Palisade Wall Rebuild Update
Watch the full update video to see the progress!
Mirror Lake Trail Work
We replaced the posts on the edge of the road around Mirror Lake. We discussed road maintenance levels and classifying a 'road' vs. a 'trail.' We also discussed drainage work.
Trails Report 7/1/24
Lots of openings in the last three days. Watch the VLOG (comments) and ride along as we open 4 trails in 3 days.
Trail Updates:
Grizzly Lake - Open
Tincup Pass - Open over the top from St. Elmo (Mirror Lake too deep to cross)
Hancock Pass - Open
Pomeroy - Open
Hancock Lake - Open
Antero - Open to switchback (last report)
Baldwin - Open
Mineral Basin - Open
Ptarmigan Lake - Open to above treeline
Mt. Princeton - Open
Marshall Pass - Open
Clohesy Lake - Open Open
Lost Canyon - Open to end of MVUM
Tomichi - Open
Hayden Pass - Open
Cumberland - Open
Black Sage - Open
Waunita Pass - Open
West Alpine Tunnel - Construction Closure for Palisade Rebuild
Slaughterhouse (Bailey) - Open.
Spring Creek - Open.
Saxon Mountain - Open
Kelly Flats - Open
Medano Pass - Open
Kebler Pass - Open
Bill Moore - Open
Red Elephant - Open
Red Cone - Open
China Wall - Open
Holy Cross - Open
Wheeler Lake - Open
Georgia Pass - Open
Mosquito Pass - Open to top from Leadville, Alma side still blocked by snow
China Wall Gatekeeper
In early June we helped the Colorado 4 Wheelers construct a gatekeeper obstacle along the north entrance to China Wall through Box Canyon on route 204. Watch to see the work and the reasons behind the gatekeeper.
Colorado OHV Stickers
OHV Stickers... Is there a more contentious topic in Colorado???
- 'Government Extorsion'?
- 'Double Taxation'?
- 'Unnecessary'?
- 'The money doesn't go to anything productive'?
These are the common responses to OHV Sticker conversations. But what do you know about OHV Stickers, do you know the history of the program or where the money goes? Does the money help trails?
Watch the full video as we break down the program and simplify the confusion. The video is timestamped for chapters to make it easier to find the info you are seeking.
2023 Year In Review
Watch our Executive Summary video showing all the volunteer projects we completed this year! The CORE Trail crew logged over 2,000 volunteer hours and thanks to our sponsors and everyone who helped this year to #keeptrailsopen!
Moab Appeal Update
We are now in the Appeal process at the IBLA. The request for a Stay was denied, the trails (317 miles) are officially closed. Watch for the process updates and for more context about land use and keeping trails open.
Ride with Respect: https://www.ridewithrespect.org
SUWA statements: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/details/ and https://suwa.org/suwa-2021-annual-report/
WS statements: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/details/ and https://www.wilderness.org/news/annual-reports/annual-report
Utah Claim, MOU and RS2477: https://RS2477road.com and https://publiclands.utah.gov/initiatives__trashed/rs-2477/ and https://suwa.org/issues/phantom-roads-r-s-2477/
AZ Backcountry Explorers: https://www.azbackroads.com
EAJA video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZKgpDe7e2I and https://youtu.be/umv5NhdAMEE?si=LrLoJZEtJ1MV_yu4
House Natural Resources Committee: https://www.c-span.org/video/?528756-2/bureau-land-management-deputy-director-testifies-land-conservation-part-2
Sedona Study: https://www.redrocknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Sedona-OHV-EIA-DRAFT-Report.pdf and https://www.redrocknews.com/2023/11/21/new-city-ohv-study-shows-no-action-needed-on-dust-noise/
Patrick’s ARC Gis Map: https://pmckay.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/basic/index.html?appid=34be7a17fd764304b93a5cbb4e39a31c&fbclid=IwAR1kOHRbo6Rkx2EIGN9W4jkdYhX-4DMJA8pgaIKzrf2Thn1-6KZ8KCu4SDQ
Historic Roadways Act: https://www.lee.senate.gov/2023/10/lee-bill-seeks-to-protect-utah-s-historic-roads
Moab FO Cross County Travel Restriction: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/01/22/01-1595/notice-of-travel-restrictions
Holy Cross Winch Anchor Project
Watch as we run the Holy Cross Trail and place 3 new winch anchors along the way. The trail has changed a lot over the last 15 years, and we have been working with the Eagle-Holy Cross District to help improve the overall management of the Trail. Last year we did a site visit with FS Staff to determine the best locations for new anchors and we finally had a chance this year (2023) to install them.