Here's just a small sampling of the projects we have completed over the past few years.
Grizzly Lake Trail - Guardian Obstacle
Grizzly Lake Trail - St. Elmo, CO
May 2018, CORE placed two winch anchors and built a barrier fence to keep users on the trail and to alleviate winching to trees. Grizzly Lake won a 2017 BFGoodrich Outstanding Trails Grant to fund the project.
Barrier project to protect alpine tundra - Hancock Pass
Hancock Pass
July 2018, CORE built barrier fences to keep users on contrail and to protect a grassy area near the Hancock Pass Summit. Users created this off-trail issues by going around snow drifts early in the 2017 season. Please remember to always stay on the trail!
Vehicle recovery - Iron Chest Mine Trail
Iron Chest Mine Trail - St. Elmo, CO
After an unfortunate off-road accident that took the life of the driver. CORE helped organize, plan and execute a recovery of a Jeep the tumbled 450' off the trail. This was a 3 week process and involved the Colorado Rock Hopper Club, Colorado 4x4 Rescue and Recovery and the Forest Service.
2018 14er Fest - Fourmile Stewardship Project
Split Rock - Fourmile
Groups from all over the state came together to complete a 14er Fest Project as part of the event and for National Public Lands Day. Groups represented were: TrailsOffroad, Colorado Jeep Girls, Ute Pass Iron Goats, Mile-Hi Jeep Club, Colorado Association of 4-Wheel Drive Clubs, Friends of Fourmile, BLM, Forest Service and CORE. A barrier was constructed to help contain a campsite that had become extremely large over the years.
2018 14er Fest - Ptarmigan Lake Stewardship Project
Ptarmigan Lake Trail
Colorado Stay the Trail, Well Sorted Automotive, Forest Service and 14er Fest Participants all joined together to complete a project on the Ptarmigan Lake Trail. Users were cutting a switchback causing the main road to become extremely narrow. Logs were placed on u-channel posts to mitigate this issue.
Vehicle Recovery - Winfield, CO
Mining Road - Winfield, CO
CORE members help an out-of-state visitor recover his 4Runner after he slid off the edge of a narrow shelf road and unseated a tire bead. The vehicle was stabilized, lifted with a jack, the tire was changes and the vehicle was then recovered back on the road. The driver was then guided in reverse back down the narrow road.
Tincup Pass Avalanche Clearing June 2019.
Tincup Pass - St Elmo, Co
30 volunteers helped clear a .25 mile long section of Tincup Pass that was buried by avalanche debris during winter 2019. The road had a Forest Service Closure Order and CORE was able to get the pass open and the Closure Order rescinded.
Grizzly Lake Avalanche Clearing July 2019.
Grizzly lake - st elmo, co
CORE organized three separate work days to get three avalanche debris fields fully clear for trail season 2019. The picture above is from the largest of the three and is about .10 miles before the lake parking area.
Clohesy Lake Avalanche Clearing July 2019
Clohesy Lake - Vicksburg, CO
CORE organized 3 separate work days to fully clear 3 separate avalanche debris fields to open the Clohesy Lake Trail. This picture is from the largest of the three slides and was only .25 miles into the trail.
Champion Mill Avalanche Clearing August 2019
Champion Mill - Leadville, CO
CORE cleared a large avalanche slide path, which covered the road and deposited a massive pine tree right in the middle of the road.
Tomichi Pass Project Staging October 2019
Tomichi Pass
Tomichi Pass had been closed since 2016 due to a large earth slide, which covered the road leaving it impassable. CORE assembled a 30+ person hand crew to open the road. At the end of the project, 7 vehicles traversed the road up and back.