Hoffman Park Field Trip

NFSR 230 in the Salida District goes up the Middle Fork of the South Arkansas Drainage. Two side trails were almost closed, and were slated for closure in the Draft Decision of the PSI Travel Managment Process. We were able to save Hoffman Park (NFSR 230.C) and Cemetary (NFSR 230.B) from closure. Watch the video to see how and why there were converted to Full-Size Motorized Trails and kept open to the public.

Trails Report #12

Stay. On. The Trail. There have been repeated issues around Colorado of users going off-trail around obstacles and around snow. This behavior can not continue. See the video below.

Napoleon Pass (upper road) - Open

Tomichi Pass - Open

Italian Creek - Open

Hagerman Pass - Open

Hermit Pass - Open to the last switchback

Trails Report #11 - 2023

A quick trail work project on Grizzly Lake and a Tincup Pass snow update. Plus other trails have opened! Bill Moore Lake is open! Taylor Pass is open! Mount Antero is open! Mount White is Open!

Here are the trails we know are open:

Holy Cross - Open to the City

Marshall Pass - Open

Medano Pass - Open

Slaughterhouse - Open

Bunce - Open

Kelly Flats - Open

Ironclads - Open

Switzerland - Open

Mineral Basin - Open

Aspen Ridge - Open

Clohesy Lake - Open

Slide Lake - Open

Grizzly Lake - Open

Mount Antero - Open

Mount White - Open

Taylor Pass - Open

Bill Moore Lake - Open

Red Elephant - Open

Spring Creek - Open

Hagerman Pass - Open to about 11,400' on the Leadville side.

Tincup Pass - Open to just below the summit (St. Elmo side), Mirror Lake is impassable on the Tincup Side

Hancock Pass - Open to just above Treeline (St. Elmo side), guys working towards the summit on Pitkin side.

Pomeroy Lake - Open

Hancock Lake - Open

Baldwin Lake - Open

Champion Mill - Open to above the mill

Iron Mike - Open to above treeline

Flag Mountain - Open

Italian Creek - Not passable yet over the divide

Trails Report #10 - 2023

Cumberland Pass is now open! The Hancock Lake Trail and the Pomeroy Lakes Trails are both now open! Watch the video for all the updates. Subscribe:    / @keeptrailsopen  

Here are the trails we know are open:

Holy Cross - Open to the City

Marshall Pass - Open

Medano Pass - Open

Rampart Range - Open

Slaughterhouse - Open

Fourmile (BV) - Open

Bunce - Open

Kelly Flats - Open

Ironclads - Open

Switzerland - Open

Rainbow Falls - Open

Chinaman - Open

Carnage - Open

Mineral Basin - Open for about 6 miles

Aspen Ridge - Open

Clohesy Lake - Open

Slide Lake - Open to about 11,300'

Grizzly Lake - Open!

Mount Antero - Open to lower switchbacks

Tincup Pass - Open to just below the summit (St. Elmo side), Mirror Lake is impassable on the Tincup Side

Hancock Pass - Open to Treeline (St. Elmo side), open to above treeline on Pitkin side.

Pomeroy Lake - Open

Hancock Lake - Open

Baldwin Lake - Open

Hancock Townsite - Open

Northfork - Open, Open to Billings Lake

Hayden Pass - Open

Weston Pass - Open!

Spring Creek - Open

Saxon Mountain - Open

Cascade Creek - Open

Champion Mill - Open

Iron Mike - Open to treeline

Cumberland Pass - Open!

San Juans

Animas Forks - Open

Yankee Boy - Open

Cinnamon Pass - Open

Engineer - Open!

Ophir - Open to the top on San Juan County Side

other plowing operations are underway; watch for updates.

Cumberland Pass is Open!

Cumberland Pass is open for Jeeps, moto, UTV and ATV! Silver Plume and friends from Pitkin shoveled yesterday and today for UTVs and we cut it a bit wider for full-size to get through. It’s open all the way from Pitkin to Tincup. FYI, wouldn’t recommend a dually or a big truck.

Trails Report #9 - 2023

Grizzly Lake is open for the season! Clohesy Lake is open for the season! Baldwin Lake is open to the lake. Marshall pass is open for the season! Subscribe:    / @keeptrailsopen  

Holy Cross is still closed from 6/5 - 6/16 for road work.

Here are the trails we know are open:

Marshall Pass - Open

Medano Pass - Open

Rampart Range - Open

Slaughterhouse - Open

Fourmile (BV) - Open

Bunce - Open

Kelly Flats - Open I

ronclads - Open

Switzerland - Open

Rainbow Falls - Open

Chinaman - Open

Carnage - Open

Mineral Basin - Open for about 6 miles

Aspen Ridge - Open

Clohesy Lake - Open

Hagerman - Open for about 2 miles past Winsor Lake Trailhead (Leadville side)

Slide Lake - Open to about 11,300'

Lost Canyon - Open for 6 miles

Grizzly Lake - Open!

Mount Antero - Open to lower switchbacks T

incup - Open to Treeline (St. Elmo side)

Hancock Pass - Open to Treeline (St. Elmo side) with deep snow.

Hancock Townsite - Open

Northfork - Open, Open to Billings Lake with deep snow on the road.

Hayden Pass - Open

Weston Pass - Open to the top on the Fairplay side

Spring Creek - Open

Saxon Mountain - Open

Cascade Creek - Open

Champion Mill - Open to the mill

Iron Mike - Open to treeline

Cumberland Pass - Open to 11,200' on Tincup Side, Open past the Napolean intersection Pitkin side.

West Alpine Tunnel - Open 6 miles to past Williams Gulch Water Tank.

San Juans

Animas Forks - Open Y

ankee Boy - Open

Cinnamon Pass - Open

Engineer - Open!

Ophir - Open to top on San Juan County Side

other plowing operations are underway; watch for updates.